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  4. Payment Gateway
  5. Instamojo Payment Setup

Instamojo Payment Setup

Instamojo is the easiest Payment Gateway solution for any developer. It can be integrated on any website with any stack. We have Simple Payment APIs with detailed documentation and SDKs for all major platforms. With responsive developer support, integrating Instamojo is a butter-smooth experience!

Sign Up as an Individual or Proprietor

Signing up with Instamojo as an individual or as a proprietor of a business for a Trial Account only takes a few minutes.

Please note that Instamojo serves businesses in India, if your business is not registered in India or you are not an Indian citizen, we will be unable to serve you at the moment.

Here is the information you will need to sign up:

Email address

  • Please use a valid email address that you check regularly.

Phone number

  • šŸ‡®šŸ‡³Ā Indian mobile phone numbers are accepted. (+91 ISD code.)
  • Provided number should be able to receive SMS for one-time-passwords (OTP)


  • Username is visible to everyone.
  • Username is included in the link to your store and payment links created by you.

PAN number

  • Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued in India.
  • PAN number is required to pay out the earned money.
  • Use business PAN number if you have one for the business.
  • Use your own PAN number otherwise.

Steps to Sign Up as an Individual or as Proprietor of a business.

1. Visit the home page:https://www.instamojo.com/

2. Click on Sign Up(1)

3. Ensure you are signing up as a Business (1). Enter your email (2) and pick a strong, unique password (3) for your Instamojo account. Click on Signup as Business (4) to continue to the next step.

4. You should see the following screen. Verify your phone number by entering your phone number (1) and then click on Send OTP (2).

5. Check your phone and enter the OTP received via SMS (1). Click on Verify (2) to continue.

6. Choose the option (1) that describes whether you run the business yourself as an individual, or whether it is a registered organization like a LLP, Private Limited, NGO etc. Choose the appropriate option in (2) and click Next (2) to continue.

7. Enter your/business PAN number and your/business name as it appears on the PAN card (1). Enter your/business address, state and pin code (2). If applicable to your business, enter the GSTIN (3). Finally, select the appropriate option that applies to your business in (4) and click Next (5)

8. Choose a username that matches your business (1), or pick a suggested username if you like (2) and click on Next (3) to continue.

9. Almost done! Enter your bank account number (1) and IFSC code (3) to receive payouts. Confirm that the account name (2) matches the bankā€™s records. Finally, click on Accept Terms and Create Account (4).

10. You will now be logged in to your Instamojo Dashboard.

For Test API keys visitĀ https://test.instamojo.com/

For Live API key visitĀ https://www.instamojo.com/

Copy those keys and add into admin App payment page to the Instamojo link

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