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Generate iOS Build

iOS Build requires using XCODE Latest to run your app.

Build web assets and prepare your app for any platform targets.

ionic build will perform an Ionic build, which compiles web assets and prepares them for deployment.

ionic build uses the Angular CLI. Use ng build --help to list all Angular CLI options for building your app. See the ng build docs for explanations. Options not listed below are considered advanced and can be passed to the ng CLI using the -- separator after the Ionic CLI arguments. See the examples.

Step 1:

Change Package Name And Application Name of your App

Open File called capacitor.config.json

Step 2:

Create Production Build From this command

ionic build --prod

Step 3:

Add Android Platform to your Project

Add a native platform to your Ionic project

ionic capacitor add ios


npx cap add ios

iOS requires the following usage description be added and filled out for your app in Info.plist:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription (Privacy - Camera Usage Description)
  • NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription (Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description)
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription (Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description)

Read about Configuring Info.plist in the iOS Guide for more information on setting iOS permissions in Xcode

<string>To capture profile photo please grant camera access</string>
<string>App needs access to photo lib for profile images</string>

Step 4:

Sync ionic build with your Android Application

ionic capacitor sync


npx cap sync


Step 5:

Now Open XCODE to create ios release

ionic capacitor open ios


npx cap open ios


Sign up for the Apple Developer Program

In order to create iOS applications, you will need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program which has an annual fee of $99 for individuals and $299 for enterprises.

Install XCode

In order to run applications on your iOS device, and submit them to the App Store, you will need XCode. You can download this from the Apple App Store. In this example, we are using version 9.3 of XCode.

As well as installing XCode itself, you will also need to install Cocoapods and the XCode CLI tools. You can do that by running the following commands:

sudo gem install cocoapods
xcode-select --install

Once you have installed XCode, make sure to open it at least once so that it can install the necessary components.


From this point onwards, we are basically just dealing with a normal native project. We just have our web code bundled in there.

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