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  3. Ionic 6 Templates Pack
  4. Getting Started
  5. Folder Structure

Folder Structure

Once You Download the Product You will receive the Zip File which contains Project Zip.

  • Unzip the Projects.zip File And You Will Find The Source File Of All The Projects Like in ScreenShot:

  • As you can see from the source code screenshot we have organized the apps source code with respected names, for example, if you want to work with dating apps then you can find a folder called Dating.
  • Now if you wish to use the Dating App Template code Click on Dating Folder as per the screenshot below.

  • After opening the Dating App Folder you can check each of the designs made for Dating Apps.
  • Open any of the projects from the list and check the source code for each of them.

If you want to use the shop App Template as your Project then unzip the shop.zip.

You will find the Folder name as shop

1) Now Open Terminal for Mac or Command Prompt for Windows and Open shop Folder Inside the terminal.

2) Now Open the shop folder inside your Code Editor Like Visual Studio code, sublime etc. you will see the structure of Ionic Projects


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